Support Us

The Work We Do

The Land’s End Music Society of Calgary is incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act and is a registered charitable society. We are dedicated to introducing audiences to new music by Canadian and International composers, and to performing landmark chamber works of the 20th and 21st centuries.

We do this by staging an annual concert series in Calgary, as well as run-out concerts in nearby communities; by commissioning new works from Canadian composers; and by performing at chamber music festivals in Canada and overseas.


If you support our vision, we invite you
to support us with your donation.

Become a Member

Help promote new music in Canada by becoming a member of Land’s End Music Society for $25.00.

Membership benefits:

  • Discounts and special offers.
  • Exclusive information about upcoming projects and events.
  • Receive video clips and photos of our recent performances and recording projects.
  • See interviews (and maybe meet) some of the acclaimed artists and composers we collaborate with.
  • Behind-the-scenes footage of our upcoming projects.
  • Follow the creative journey of each new creation we undertake from start to finish.
  • Information on all of our education outreach activities.
  • Articles, reviews, and media of our activities.
  • Stay connected with our musicians

Other Ways To Support Us

Commission Us

Land’s End Ensemble has commissioned and collaborated with numerous composers and artists over the years. We are always eager to promote new music through new artistic engagements and look forward to hearing from you. Please submit your proposals to us through email.

Become a Sustaining Donor

Sustain artistic excellence by becoming a Sustaining Donor, and support a concert, commission or even a tour. Sustaining Donors also enjoy special events, such as private concerts, according to giving level.

To find out more please email us, or approach any of the core musicians, board members, or staff at any of our functions.

Contact Us

Get in touch to find out more ways you can support us and to answer any questions.
